Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Fast food restaurant Essay Example for Free

Fast food restaurant Essay All such food is categorized as fast food which can be prepared and served quickly. Restaurants and kiosks provide fast food with precooked or preheated ingredients and usually served at a packaged form (Pollan, 2009). In the beginning, American hamburger and fries was considered as the traditional fast food but now the field has been widely diversified and food like pizzas, fish and chips, burgers from McDonalds and Kentucky Fried Chicken etc. are all considered fast food. Fast food market has shown an enormous and steady growth. In 2006 alone the market has reached to $102. 4 billion with an annual growth rate of 4. 8% (Adams, 2007). Fast food chains like McDonalds operate in more than 126 countries in six continents having more than 31,000 restaurants globally (Arndt, 2007). Burger King, another worldwide fast food chain, has operations in more than 65 countries of the world; KFC restaurants located over 25 countries, Subways is present in 90 countries with total 39,129 restaurants and so and so forth (Buthrie, Lin Frazao, 2002). However, according to most of researches, fast food is not at all fit for health and can cause serious problems. According to Marion Nestle, Chair of New York University’s Department of Nutrition, Food Studies, and Public Health, â€Å"the increased calories in American diets come from eating more food in general, but especially more of foods high in fat (meat, dairy, fried foods, grain dishes with added fat), sugar (soft drinks, juice drinks, desserts), and salt (snack foods)† (Nestle, 2002; p. 10). This report discusses some positive as well as negative points of taking fast food. Reasons for popularity Before delving into the positive and negative aspects of fast food, it seems appropriate if we discuss the reasons of fast food popularity. The question is what compels the Americans to eat such poorly balanced food? The answer of the question is not simple and involves many factors. First of all, every culture has its own values, philosophies, and the way to react to the things occurring in their lives. These reactions depend upon the culture they belong too. In present family structure and busy life it has been observed that the increasing communication deficit between parents and children has created a gulf between parents and children. This changed life style, especially in low-income and single-parent families, has compelled the children to take unhealthy and junk food more often than required (Ritzer, 2000). Advertising also played a major role in increasing the fast food popularity in America. According to National Cancer Institute, â€Å"Commercial advertisers have learned that a consistent and prominent presence in the marketplace is key to achieving and holding market share† (National Cancer Institute, 2000). Statistics revealed that in 2004 the total expenditure of different food items including fast food restaurants was approximately $11. 26 billion. Fast food advertisers target ethnic minorities directly through their own media outlets and programs. Food items which are advertised for ethnic minorities are usually unbalanced and unhealthy as compared to the food advertised for general audience (Reyes, 2005). Research conducted in 2005 depicted that more than 52 percent of food items advertisement published in Hispanic fashion and social magazines were advertised unhealthy and unbalanced food as compared to 29 percent such advertisements published in general magazines (Duerksen , 2005). Fast food items advertising usually target children in order to create and establish brand loyalty at an early age (Wiecha et al. , 2006). Among the six brands which have enjoyed very strong recognition in children, four are related to food, i. e. Cheerios, McDonald’s, Pop-Tarts, and Coke (Comiteau, 2003). These companies relied on the fact that the children would emotionally connected to these companies even in their adulthood (Comiteau, 2003). Nevertheless, recent research shows that consumers prefer to buy fast food from supermarkets. Because they have the perception that supermarkets provide healthier food options ( Advertising and marketing very significantly influence the buying behavior of people and the notion cannot be rejected in totality that frequent use of this unhealthy food is a major cause of increasing obesity. According to a study, television advertisements and television viewing is directly associated with popularity of junk food (Bowman et al. , 2004). Advantages of using fast food The basic and most obvious advantage of fast food is its cost and speed. Fast food is very easy and quick to prepare and serve. As discussed above, the number of single parent household is continuously increasing in United States. Such single parents not only have to work to earn a respectable living but also have to prepare food for the family. For such persons fast food is an easy and cost effective solution. Fast food not only prepared at home easily but can also be ordered from fast food restaurants which usually have special offers and deals available to make it cheaper or more cost effective. Fast food comprises and enjoys the biggest chunk of food industry. It has, in United States alone, sale of $120 billion with the help of more than 200,000 restaurants. Fast food industry has been very successful in term of operation expansion by utilizing international franchising. The administration of different fast food companies have learned by the passage of time how to make the most of the sales potential of a fast food franchise by practically adopting an idea by giving it a functional methodology. This is one main cause why fast food franchises have been a symbol of success among the contemporary food businesses. Fast food industry gives minimal wages and financial benefits to their workers (McDonald’s Australia); nevertheless, it provides jobs to approximately 3. 5 million people.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Barack Obama :: American Politics, Leadership

In 2007 when then Senator Barack Obama announced his run for the presidency of the United States, the country was experiencing great turmoil and people were ready for a change in leadership. No matter what political party you held, it appeared to be an overwhelming sentiment that people were looking for a shift in direction, especially relating to the bad economical positions a lot of Americans had found themselves in. All of the challenges that the country was experiencing was a sign that the next President would have to lead based on social, political and economical environments. This diverse demand was aligned with the more contemporary study of match the leader’s style with the demand of the assignment. To better ensure a leader’s effectiveness, many high profile leaders are being singled out as a way to correlate success with a leader’s approach. As a contemporary leader, President Barak Obama’s leadership style is constantly being critiqued. Although many still debate the effectiveness of his presidency, most people agree that his transformational leadership approach was the prescribed style the country was in need of. Leadership Traits I believe that defining a leader by one set of traits can be challenging, if not impossible. That is mostly likely that when you research leadership traits you come across various opinions; among them is Baker (2001) who believes that when leaders are defined they should be defined based on the traits associated with three systems. These systems (Baker, 2001) include the classical system, the equilibrium system, and the transforming system. Each of the systems (Baker 2001) has traits associated with them, for the exception of the transforming system. If we buy into Baker’s trait theory (2001), the transforming system would be the group that would set the stage for defining the leadership needs that the United States was experiencing when President Obama took office. In the transforming system the leader’s role cannot be defined in advance, but emergences from the dissipative or transforming processes (Baker, 2001). As we see the constant introduction of challenges since President Obama took office his leadership style has had to adjust to function effectively. Leadership Styles As defining what leadership traits are has evolved, so follows the leadership styles and how they are best used. Some of these styles include charismatic leadership, transformational leadership, transactional leader, situational leaders, directive leadership style, coaching leadership style, supporting leadership style, and delegating leadership style.

Monday, January 13, 2020


AP English Letter to the Editor â€Å"Speak when you are angry- and you will make the best speech you'll ever regret. â€Å"- Laurence J. Peter. Words are powerful tools that can build up, tear down, discourage, encourage, bring life, or bring death (Assonated). Words have always been impact, but in the last 30 years the way words can affect people have increased dramatically in scope. With the widespread use of cell phones and the advent of social media, words and ideas travel in the blink of an eye, regardless of the content.Sadly, many people find themselves regretting the words that were spoken over the web, over the phone or in open air; such is the case of Archie Incognito. Incognito is an offensive lineman on the Miami Dolphins who is praised by many as extremely talented. Although his athletic talent is impressive, it does not overshadow his anger issues. Throughout his career as a football player, the inability to control emotions has been his downfall, which has contribut ed to one of the biggest scandals in National Football League history.The organization that has defined American sports, that attracts millions of viewers from all walks of life and provides common ground for all people, is experiencing a dishonor that brings into question everything the NFG stands for. (Periodic Sentence) As previously stated, Incognito has long had issues handling anger on and off the field, but in a recent turn of events his private issues have spilled into the public eye (Antithesis).Allegedly, Incognito caused Jonathan Martin, a teammate and fellow offensive lineman, to quit playing football because of Incognitos incessant bullying and disturbing behavior. The harassment involved sending threatening and racially charged messages, making threats against Martin's family and even Martin himself. Jason La Conform of CBS Sports reported that Incognitos intense harassment caused Martin to come to the point of fearing for his safety, and that leaving the team was his only option.At this time Incognito is suspended from play indefinitely and his fate with the Miami Dolphins remains to be seen. Incognitos behavior is obviously insensitive, selfish, and extremely offensive, but does it warrant rejection and scrutiny that Archie Incognito is now receiving? Absolutely. The language that Incognito used goes above and beyond the tolerance level for the vast majority of individuals. Not only did he threaten Martin, but also his family, which reaches a different level of offense.When bullying forces a grown man to leave his Job as a professional football player, something must be done. On top of the series of events involving Martin, there is evidence that this type of behavior is not new to Incognito. His previous transgressions include a sexual harassment charge, three counts of assault, multiple cases of serious violations of team rules room high school to college to pro football, and to top if off was voted the Dirtiest Player in the NFG in 2009. Cle arly, it was only a matter of time before something as shocking as this most recent event came bubbling to the surface.This type of behavior should not be acceptable in any way, shape, fashion or form, and should be punished. By â€Å"shunning† Incognito, he may learn to control his words and actions more carefully and therefore may save more people from his scathing tongue and callous behavior. But couldn't this Just be a case of overreaction, Just some crude locker room talk hat found it's way out into the open? Incognitos defense of himself was that that was just how the two men talked. While crude and offensive to a 3rd party observer, could it have Just been normalcy for the two men?While this argument has some merit it is invalid on several points. Firstly, Jonathan Martin DID leave the team, naming the reason for his departure as the intense invective leveled against him. It is hard to believe that he did not show any signs of sadness or speak up for himself before lea ving. Would that have stopped Incognito? Given his previous record, most likely to. Secondly, death threats go beyond friendly razzing but step into the realm of seriousness, especially when family members are threatened.Lastly, Incognito knew that Martin had thinner skin than the guys he was used to dealing with. According to Fort Lauderdale newspaper the Sun-sentinel, the Dolphins coach had commissioned Incognito to toughen Martin up; Incognito apparently attempted this by using tirades of abusive speech. Martin needed a brother, he needed support, he needed genuine motivation. (Anaphora) But what he received only pushed him further to the brink of oppression, paralyzing fear and self-pity.In this case the ends did not Justify the means; the wrong action was taken and should be dealt with in the public eye. In the end, it is obvious that Incognito was in the wrong and should be dealt with according to the degree of his offense. We should not allow him to call darkness light, and l ight darkness, or to call evil good and good evil (Intolerable) but hold him accountable for the malicious actions he took towards an undeserving human being. But the want of Justice should not prevent Incognito from sincerely apologizing and running from his old ways of malice and damaging words.Everybody has things that are regrettable in their past and would not wish to be denied forgiveness if it was brought to the public eye. So although Incognito demonstrated unacceptable behavior, he should always be allowed the opportunity to ask for forgiveness; forgiveness for things said, forgiveness for things done and forgiveness for such blatant insensitivity (Indianapolis). Hopefully this type of punishment will ward off any future disturbing cases of harassment and make people think twice about inflicting extreme emotional damage on people.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

How Plants Animals Alter the Planets Surface

One of the agents of organic weathering, bioturbation is the disturbance of the soil or sediment by living things. It may include displacing soil by plant roots, digging by burrowing animals (such as ants or rodents), pushing sediment aside (such as in animal tracks), or eating and excreting sediment, as earthworms do. Bioturbation aids the penetration of air and water and loosens sediment to promote winnowing or washing (transportation). How Bioturbation Works Under ideal circumstances, sedimentary rock is formed in predictable layers. Sediments -- bits of soil, rock, and organic matter -- collect on the surface of the land or at the bottom of rivers and oceans. Over time, these sediments are compressed to the point of which they form rock. This process is called lithification. Layers of sedimentary rock may be seen in many geological structures. Geologists are able to determine the age and composition of sedimentary rock based on the materials included in the sediment and the level at which the rock lies. In general, older layers of sedimentary rocks lie under newer layers. Organic matter and fossils that make up the sediments also provide clues to the age of the rock. Natural processes can disturb the regular layering of sedimentary rock. Volcanoes and earthquakes can disturb layers by forcing older rock closer to the surface and newer rock deeper into the Earth. But it doesnt take a powerful tectonic event to disturb sedimentary layers. Organisms and plants are constantly shifting and changing Earths sediments. Burrowing animals and the actions of plant roots are two sources of bioturbation. Since bioturbation is so common, sedimentary rocks are divided into three groups that describe their level of bioturbation: Burrowed rock is filled with evidence of organisms, and may contain elements from several different sedimentary layers.Laminated rock shows evidence of bioturbation at the surface caused by non-burrowing activity. Examples include furrows and tracks created by aquatic or terrestrial animals.The massive rock contains sediments from just a single layer. Examples of Bioturbation   Bioturbation occurs in many different environments and at several different levels. For example: Earthworms digging through soil can shift older materials to higher layers. They can also leave behind traces of their activity in the form of fecal matter which, over time, lithifies.Burrowing marine animals such as crabs, clams, and shrimp, can radically change sedimentary layers. These animals burrow into the sand, creating tunnels and moving materials from one sedimentary layer to another. If the tunnels are sturdy enough, they may later be filled with material formed at a later time.Tree roots often run through multiple layers of soil. As they grow, they may disturb or mix sediments. When they fall, they pull older materials to the surface. Significance of Bioturbation Bioturbation provides researchers with information about sediments, and thus about the geology and history of the sediments and the area. For example: Bioturbation can suggest that a particular area is likely to be rich in petroleum or other natural resources;Bioturbation can provide clues to ancient life in the form of fossilized animal and plant remains;Bioturbation can provide information about life cycles, dietary habits, and migration patterns of contemporary organisms.